Pet Intolerance Testing For Your Dog
Looking for the best dog allergy test UK?
Have you thought about pet intolerance testing?
If you have a pet who you suspect has a pet food allergy or environmental allergy...
Itchy Dog UK provides cat and dog intolerance testing hair analysis in the UK. The tests help you to identify your pet's triggers for skin and/or digestive issues.
This UK pet intolerance test covers over 300+ possible dog food and environmental intolerances.
PLUS this premium pet intolerance test also tests for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
We can provide premium UK pet intolerance tests for dogs, cats and premium intolerance tests for humans.

Choose Who To Test
Premium Dog Intolerance Test (UK)
12 review(s)
*Includes bonus vitamin deficiency list.
0 review(s)
Tests your cat for 300 food and environmental items.
9 review(s)
Includes vitamin, mineral, heavy metals, gut microbiome and hormone analysis.
Understanding Your Pet's Intolerance Test Results Is Easy
Each potential intolerances shown on your results is colour coded and marked with a % figure to make your pet's intolerance test results easy to understand.
Included in the PDF containing your results, is information and guidance on how to eliminate the items shown on your pet's results.
With this intolerance test for dogs, you will have everything you need to help you to take the correct next steps.
Hair analysis intolerance tests for dogs, cats and humans, are not the same as allergy blood tests available at your Veterinary practice or Doctor's surgery.
These cat and dog intolerance tests can be used without the need for blood tests, or if you choose, can complement dog allergy test via your Vet.
Please note, that a pet intolerance test is not a replacement for qualified veterinary or nutritional advice.
Order Your Intolerance Test

Collect 5-7 Strands Of Hair & Send In Your Sample
Receive Your Test Results By Email
Can I use this intolerance test for dogs to change my dog's diet immediately?
Yes, the results can help you identify problematic pet foods. Your test results come complete with instructions on how to successfully adjust your dog's diet.
How long does it take to receive the test results?
Once the laboratory receives your pet's sample, they aim to turn the results around within 24-72 hours.
My dog is short haired, can he still be tested for intolerances?
Yes, we have successfully intolerance tested many short breed dogs, including Staffies, Vizslas, Dalmatians, French Bulldogs, Pugs and more.
How much hair do I need to submit for pet intolerance testing?
5-7 strands of hair is all you need to use our intolerance test for dogs.
Does the hair need to come from the root?
No, however, we suggest collecting hair from or as close to the root as possible. On pets, the hair around the neck is often an easier place to comb your sample from. Using a brush such as a Zoom Groom, or flea/nit comb can help.
What is the difference between allergies and intolerances/sensitivities in dogs?
Let's dive into the differences below:
What is food intolerance?
An intolerance is an inability to digest an item properly, whether it is a food intolerance/sensitivity or an environmental factor (a non-food intolerance). Intolerances can occur due to several reasons; the two most common are:
The body is depleted in the necessary digestive enzyme(s) for certain food and, therefore, cannot digest the item properly or efficiently take nutrients from it or a sensitivity resulting from over-consumption or over-exposure.
Many symptoms are the result of a sensitivity to a particular item. If the animal is experiencing constant slow/delayed occurring or digestive symptoms, it may suffer from an intolerance.
What is a dog food allergy?
An allergy is an immune response to what would normally be considered a harmless substance. The immune system perceives this substance to be a ‘threat’. It produces an inappropriate response, with symptoms usually starting within a few minutes, but can be as long as two hours later.
Allergy symptoms can be more acute and serious.
What are common dog intolerance symptoms?
Stomach complaints
Mood changes
Itchy skin
Paw licking
What are common dog allergy symptoms?
Respiratory complaints
Sore eyes
How often should I test my dog for sensitivities and intolerances?
Retesting after 6-12 months can help you monitor any changes in your dog's sensitivities.
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Quick Turnaround
Award Winning Laboratory
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Additional information about our UK intolerance testing:
*Environmental and dog food allergies differ to environmental and dog food intolerances.
*Classed as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Results do not constitute a medical diagnosis. Testing is carried out in a variety of locations worldwide. Equipment used is MARS III (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems). Results reported on 85% response rate or higher. Important Hair tests (Bioresonance Therapy) are categorised as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) covering therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine. Conventional medicine does not currently recognise Bioresonance as it has not been subject to significant scientific research. Bioresonance reports and related information do not make a medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition/symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it.
* provide human and pet intolerance testing. We do not provide allergy testing.